Call Us When You Need a Personal Injury Attorney Near Me

Personal injuries can result from various situations, but all of them cause a major disruption to your everyday life. These injuries often prevent you from working in addition to accumulating medical bills, which just add to your stress level. At Lakepoint Law Firm near Salem, Oregon, we fight to protect your rights and ensure fair compensation. With over 35 years of experience, Jean Fischer and her team of attorneys provide aggressive legal defense to secure the best possible outcome.
Healing from an injury is difficult when you’re burdened with financial stress. If your injury was the fault of another person or organization’s neglect or incompetence, they should be held responsible. The legal aspects of these cases vary greatly depending on the type of injury, where and how it happened, and various other factors. Understanding those complexities can be overwhelming for an individual, but having an experienced personal injury lawyer to navigate the process for you is the foundation for seeking fair compensation. Imagine facing a corporation or insurance company and its attorneys without your own representation; it can be a losing battle from the beginning. Our personal injury law firm is dedicated to utilizing the necessary legal maneuvers and acquiring the documentation needed to prove your case. Your focus should be on recovering from your injuries and not on the legalities of your case; that’s our job.
Benefits Of A Salem Personal Injury Lawyer
At Lakepoint Law Firm, near Salem, Oregon, we offer free consultations to review and determine the solidity of your case. We pride ourselves on being honest and forthcoming about what you can expect from your claim. Our legal team strives to provide the professional and emotional support that you need. We are available for daytime, evening, and weekend consultations. We can also meet with you at your home or in the hospital if your injuries have limited you from traveling. Contact our office today for experienced legal representation. Serving all of Salem, Including South Salem, Southeast Salem, West Salem, North Salem and all of Marion County. We’ve got you covered in all of Salem, including the following neighborhoods: Northgate, Northeast Neighbors, Hazel Green, South Central, Faye Wright, South Gateway, Southeast Mill Creek, Lansing and more!
Reclamación por daños personales
As there are many different types of personal injury claims, many of our clients are initially unaware that they have significant potential for financial compensation. Having an experienced personal injury attorney to navigate the legalities of each situation, whether it’s a motorcycle accident or construction accident, can mean the difference between never filing a claim and getting the appropriate settlement you need while you recover.
Some personal injury claims include:
- Workers Compensation Attorney Services
- Accidentes de tráfico
- Accidentes de moto
- Accidentes de bicicleta
- Stacked Insurance Claims
- Semi Truck Accident Attorney Services
- Dangerous Premises Accidents
- Accidentes de peatones
- Accidentes en obras de construcción
How Does a Personal Injury Settlement Work?

Following an accident, injured parties have the legal right to sue for the physical and non-physical injuries they sustained. Most of the time, this is handled by insurance companies. In fact, it’s the main reason why they exist at all. To save on legal fees and time spent in court, insurance companies (or the at-fault party) will propose an amount they’d be willing to pay to settle the case.
Si bien el litigio puede ser en última instancia la mejor opción, el acuerdo a menudo presenta una oportunidad más práctica para que una persona lesionada termine rápidamente un caso legal y reciba una compensación adecuada por sus lesiones.
Elegir o no conformarse
The decision to settle outside of a court case is important and ultimately falls on the injured party to decide. An injury lawyer can provide expert guidance to ensure all possibilities are being considered, but ultimately, it is up to the injured party to decide the best course of action.
Estas son algunas de las razones por las que la gente puede elegir la liquidación:
High Legal Fees
Pursuing a claim through all levels of a typical civil case can be expensive and may outweigh the potential compensatory award.
The longer and more complex a court case becomes, the less certain the outcome. In exchange for accepting an amount that may be less than what could be won after a lengthy court process, settling removes the uncertainty and offers a guarantee of compensation.
Faster Compensation
For clients seeking the fastest turnaround possible, working to settle may be advisable. That’s because, unlike cases that are highly litigated, the entire case can be negotiated in a much shorter timeframe.
Contact a Personal Injury Accident Lawyer Today
Whether you choose settlement or to pursue a legal case all the way, our personal injury lawyers at Lakepoint Law Firm can offer honest legal advice to help you make the best decision for your future. Our legal counsel works on a contingency basis for cases we accept, which means we don’t get paid if you don’t get paid.
Jean Fischer and her team of experienced attorneys have been providing our clients in Salem, Oregon, with aggressive legal representation for over 35 years. Contact our office today to learn more about the legal services we offer.
Tal vez y tal vez no. Al hablar con usted por teléfono o reunirse con usted para una reunión, podremos evaluar su situación y decidir conjuntamente si su problema legal requiere un abogado.
No, ofrecemos una consulta inicial gratuita. La primera reunión es una oportunidad para que escuchemos su caso, le ofrezcamos comentarios sobre su situación legal y decidamos si somos una buena opción para sus necesidades legales.
La mayoría de nuestros casos se manejan con honorarios contingentes. Eso significa que no hay honorarios de abogado por hora de los que deba preocuparse. Si tenemos éxito en la obtención de una recuperación para usted, por lo general recibimos un porcentaje de la recuperación como una tarifa.