It Pays To Have An Experienced Car Accident Lawyer On Your Side

At Lakepoint Law Firm near Salem, Oregon, we understand how traumatic motor vehicle accidents can be. In addition to pain and suffering, no one wants to deal with the added stress of arguing with insurance companies. You pay your insurance carrier, so you expect them to be on your side when a car accident happens. However, what your insurance provider may not tell you is that the job of an insurance claim adjuster is to examine ways to lessen the company’s liability. Our dedicated team of auto accident attorneys‘ number one goal is to protect our client’s rights and ensure fair compensation during these tough times. We provide free, confidential consultations.
Get Your Personal Injury Lawyer Near Me with Lakepoint Law Firm
When you’re in an auto accident, there may be damage to more than just your vehicle. You are entitled to compensation for any property damage from the accident. This can include things like eyeglasses, cell phones, laptops, and other personal possessions. Of course, one of the greatest losses that occur from an accident is the loss of wages. When you are injured and cannot get to work, bills can pile up, adding to your stress level. Laws in Salem, Oregon, can be complicated when it comes to insurance companies’ laws and policies. As an auto accident lawyer in Salem, we know how to navigate this labyrinth to ensure you recover your maximum coverage.
Seguro sin culpa
A no-fault state means that the state requires insurance companies to include personal injury protection (PIP) insurance in all motor vehicle insurance policies. This requires your insurance to pay for your medical bills while the other driver’s insurance pays for their medical bills. It also covers any passengers’ expenses, pedestrians, and covers you if an uninsured driver hits you. However, Oregon does not stop a person or insurance company from suing the at-fault party. Many times, auto insurance providers will sue the other driver’s insurance for all compensation that has been paid out. Individuals can also sue the other driver as being the at-fault driver, often requesting financial compensation for damages exceeding those covered under his or her PIP coverage.
What Is Personal Injury Protection In Oregon?
El seguro de protección contra lesiones personales (PIP) es obligatorio para los vehículos no comerciales en Oregón. El PIP suele cubrir la pérdida de salarios y los gastos médicos, pero en algunos casos también cubre la pérdida de servicios y los gastos funerarios. La pérdida de servicios se refiere a cualquier persona lesionada en un accidente de coche que no haya estado trabajando. Cubre los servicios domésticos que normalmente realiza la persona lesionada, pero que no puede realizar debido a las lesiones del accidente.
Our Experienced Car Accident Attorneys Are In Your Corner
Unfortunately, insurance companies will sometimes try to deny personal injury claims for these types of accident compensations. Their tactics include requiring you to go to one of their doctors for an independent medical examination. These doctors are hired by the insurance company and often find themselves exclusively in their favor. Having an experienced attorney protects your rights by forcing these companies to play fair when dealing with medical costs and loss of wages.
Acuerdo de accidente de coche

Insurance companies will put up every blockade they can to keep from paying you the fair value of your auto accident claim. They attempt to make it difficult for you to find your way through all the red tape and legal wording. You should not have to fight this battle alone as an auto accident victim healing from the pain and suffering after a motor vehicle accident. Often, these companies do not want the added risk and expenses of going to court. As a result, you are more likely to obtain a reasonable settlement with the help of a personal injury law firm.
We Are Your Local Car Accident Law Firm in Salem, OR
At Lakepoint Law Firm, we are here to fight the battle for you. Call our law office today if you have been in a motor vehicle accident. We aim to protect your rights and ensure you get the best possible settlement when you need to take legal action. If the at-fault insurance company does decide to fight your accident claim in court, our legal team will help you obtain a favorable verdict. We’re here to support our clients every step of the way.
We provide the following legal services for personal injury accidents:
- Abogado de accidentes de moto
- Abogado de accidentes de semicamiones
- Abogado de accidentes de peatones
- Abogado de accidentes de bicicleta
- Abogado de accidentes de trabajo
- Abogado de compensación de trabajadores
Our experienced personal injury attorneys are available for daytime, evening, weekend, and even home or hospital appointments if your vehicle accident has prevented you from traveling. Get professional legal representation today! Contact us for a free initial consultation.