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What Should I Do if I am Hurt at Work?

How to Handle an Injury At Your Workplace

Salem workers need to understand their personal injury rights if they incur injuries at their jobs. When a worker is injured at their job while working within the course and scope of their employment, they will have the right to medical care and potential monetary compensation. If an employer doesn’t carry insurance for workers’ compensation, they won’t be able to compensate that employee for any disability. This disability results from the injury, and the employer will ultimately risk financial penalties.

Employees should always feel comfortable reporting their injuries or filing workers’ compensation claims as it is illegal for a company to terminate them for this. While this process seems straightforward, several obstacles can obstruct an employee from successfully filing for workers’ compensation. Some of these impediments include:

  • incorrectly calculated time-loss payments
  • injury denial due to a preexisting condition
  • denial of the employee’s workers’ compensation claim
  • failure to pay medical bills related to the work injury

Covering the Bases on Personal Injury at Work

It’s crucial for employees to correctly document their incidents since these claims can often be challenging to prove in court. Here are several steps employees can take to make sure they’re getting the best compensation possible when filing a claim for their workplace injury:

  • Report the personal injury – Injured employees should report their injury to a supervisor as soon as the accident event has occurred. It’s essential to fill out an injury claim form as soon as possible to ensure the worker has the best possible opportunity to receive benefits. Workers shouldn’t wait any longer than 30 days after the injury to do so.
  • Fill out an 801 – Workers should get this form from their employers to fill out the details of their injury. Lakepoint Law Firm offers advice to workers in this process so they can avoid any mistakes on this form that might compromise their chances of compensation.
  • Seek Medical Treatment as soon as possible – Workers should seek medical attention as soon as the injury occurs on the job. Quick action not only ensures a faster recovery but allows the worker to document their incident further. The employee should ask the doctor to fill out an 827 form – a type of accident report form, with a detailed description of the event.
  • Listen to the doctor – Workers shouldn’t exceed any physical restrictions suggested by their doctor, as doing so could derail their potential benefits. While a worker may want to get back to work in order to meet their hours, it’s crucial that they listen to the doctor’s suggestions. This is a significant role in ensuring they receive their full compensation. Employees should ask to receive a written slip from their doctor excusing them from work, even if their claim is denied. They should also attend all doctor appointments related to their work injury.
  • Consult an attorney upon claim denial – If a worker’s claim gets denied, they should consult an attorney as soon as possible. Workers have 60 days from the date of the denial letter to appeal. As personal injury lawyers who specialize in workers’ compensation, Lakepoint Law Firm will help workers get the workers through this process. We help them receive the compensation they deserve. Employees need to work with a personal injury attorney in Salem who focuses on workers’ compensation.
  • Track injury over time – If a worker is experiencing medical difficulties over time as a result of their work, they should consult their doctor to see if it is a direct result of their employment. If work caused the injury, the worker should file a claim within one year. The sooner the worker files a claim, the better chance they will have of getting their claim accepted, especially with records from their doctor.

Lost Wage Compensation from Workplace Personal Injury

Oregon’s Workers’ Compensation offers benefits for employees who will lose working hours as a result of their related injury. These benefits not only include compensation for medical bills but also cover lost wages at a rate of two-thirds of a worker’s gross salary. A worker’s travel mileage to and from their doctor visits for this injury is also paid at about $.39 per mile.

Find a Reliable Attorney for Your Workers Compensation

workers-compensationOn-the-job personal injuries are challenging to prove. Without representation, workers can be more easily pressured to drop their claims, even though this isn’t legal. It takes a lawyer who’s extensively experienced in workers’ compensation to help employees navigate these circumstances. At Lakepoint Law Firm, we help workers determine what evidence they need to prove their cases. We offer time-tested advice and ensure workers are comfortable and getting the most out of the workers’ compensation process.

Lakepoint Law ensures workers’ rights are protected. We make every effort to get the compensation any worker deserves. No one should feel bullied into accepting less. Call us today!

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What Should I Do if I am Hurt at Work?

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